Japanese Firms Scale Back China Expansion to 21%
Japanese companies are “expanding” into China at a rate of just 21% due to sluggish domestic demand and U.S. sanctions, according to a JETRO survey.
Japanese companies are “expanding” into China at a rate of just 21% due to sluggish domestic demand and U.S. sanctions, according to a JETRO survey.
In 2024, the Japanese government designated it as the "first year of medium-sized enterprises," intending to boost support, investment, and wage hikes for this vital sector.
Changan Automobile, a leading Chinese car manufacturer, has recently announced it will invest 9.8 billion baht in Thailand, to set up its first right-hand drive electric vehicle pr…
The private sector announces the readiness for “APEC CEO Summit 2022”, a historic event for the business sector and the Asia Pacific region. A door into Thailand’s economic recover…
FOTON officially signed a deal of 1,022 units electric city buses with a total value of 1.6 billion RMB send to Chile, serving the public transportation system of Santiago.
Boeing will open two new 767-300BCF conversion lines next year at GAMECO in Guangzhou, China
EXIM Thailand Points out Export as Thai Economic Hero in 2H/2021 and Is Ready to Help Exporters Fight COVID-19 and Respond to New Normal Context by Developing New Industries, Build…
Zhejiang Quality Machine (ASEAN) Online Fair is an excellent platform to strengthen trade ties between ASEAN countries and China.
EXIM Thailand Points out Export as Thai Economic Hero in 2H/2021 and Is Ready to Help Exporters Fight COVID-19 and Respond to New Normal Context by Developing New Industries, Build…
According to World Bank Thailand, COVID-19 has severely affected the Thai economy, which was already weakening even prior to the global outbreak. While signs of improvement have em…
The COVID-19 pandemic situation has impacted the overall domestic and global economy in the first and second quarter. Predicted that the economy tends to recover during the second …
Changsha has taken concrete steps to boost intelligent manufacturing and gather endogenous driving force for high-quality development. Now a profound transformation is rolling out …
The Federation of Thai Industries disclosed the outlook for 15 Thai industries in 2020 analysis; see your industry is on recovering or steady or decelerating.
The Thai exports in January 2019 contracted 5.7 percent with value of 18.9 billion USD. On import side, its value in January 2019 increased 14 percent to 23 billion USD, resulting …
Vietnam’s new rules of new car import with strict quality examination have finally affected Thailand’s car export, reflecting in its recent dramatic decrease of the auto export to …
Thailand and Indonesia have exported their automobiles to Vietnam. They are the first two countries to accept Vietnam’s regulations while many automobile brands in Vietnam have pre…
พาณิชย์ร่วมประชุมรัฐมนตรีการค้าเอเปกครั้งที่ 24 สร้างโอกาสทางการค้าการลงทุนกว่า 3 แสนล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐ โดยมุ่งเน้นส่งเสริมเหล่า SMEs และการใช้ประโยชน์จาก E-commerce